Try ‘Breathe Light to Breathe Right’ Technique with Patrick Mckeown

Breathless?... Breathe less! – In this video Patrick McKeown leads me in a version of the ‘Breathe Light to Breathe Right’ method from his best-selling book 'The Oxygen Advantage'. This version is subtly modified to be accessible for beginners and people with anxiety.

By breathing more slowly and softly, we allow carbon dioxide to build up in the blood. CO2 gets a bad rap... but oxygen needs it to be present so it can transfer into your cells and be converted to energy!

Because a lot of us have a habit of over-breathing or mouth breathing we breathe out too much carbon dioxide, this exercise is designed to correct that.

Patrick has probably done more than anyone else in the West to popularise the breathing techniques of the late Russian doctor Konstantin Buteyko. Not only can Dr Buteyko’s techniques radically change the lives of people with asthma but Patrick explains why they are relevant to anyone interested in getting the most out of their health.

Here’s a link to Patrick’s book The Oxygen Advantage:

If you want to improve your sports performance using Patrick’s techniques:

If you have asthma or dysfunctional breathing:

Find out more about my mission to make breathwork accessible!

Or check out my book “Draw Breath; The Art of Breathing” !

Tom Devonald